life with my 3 sons

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Gabriel is at a funny age. He'll stand there, say 'Ready, Set, Go' and then run off laughing. He does this several times a day. Of course his words aren't exactly that clear, but I know what he's saying.

His teeth are a strange thing. A couple of days before Christmas his first tooth popped through - one of the bottom middle ones. We expected his next tooth to be the one next to it. After 6 weeks without another tooth I went looking in his mouth to see what would be next, and there were 2 molars on top! 2 weeks after that one of the teeth next to his 2 front teeth made it's appearance. So, at 17.5 months old he has 4 teeth - in all different places in his mouth. No real sign of which one will come in next, and I don't even want to hazard a guess, since I'll probably be wrong! LOL!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Tim turned 7 a couple of weeks ago. He is such a character! I seriously get exhausted spending much time with him - he has so much energy! It's fun, though, because he is so enthusiastic. He throws himself into anything he does. He's also very dramatic. He's at that age where he tries to make everyone laugh. He's always saying "Get it? Get it?" after anything that he things is slightly funny. He also lieks to act out his on slo-mo instant replays. Always first saying "Mom! It was like this" and then adding his own sound effects.

He always feels emotions intensely. It's either the best day ever, or the worst day ever. Thankfully the best days outnumber the worst days.

Tim got lots of Lego for his birthday, and since last week was a week off school, he spent hours each day working on the Lego sets. I was amazed at how hard he worked. But I guess I shouldn't be. It's his current obsession!