life with my 3 sons

Friday, June 09, 2006

Gabriel is so pudgy compared to my other boys. He has dimples on his hands & feet, even on his heel where is achielles tendon is. He has folds in his skin in places that get rashes because they don't get any air. His cheeks are so kissable! When he straightens his legs, all that there is for a knee is a big dent & a ball of fat. It's so fun to have a baby that has some substance when you snuggle him, even if my back & arms are killing me sometimes from carrying around.

Benjamin is such a sweet kid. He comes off as so independent, but he's the one that will say "I love you mom" just out of the blue. He loves hugs & snuggles. And if anyone raises their voice in anger, especially at him, he bursts into tears because his feelings are hurt. He loves his little brother, too.

Timothy is getting to be a pretty fun age. He has friends now, and is really starting to figure out all those friend dynamics. He is such a rules oriented kid when it comes to activities. During soccer, if one of the boys didn't follow the rules he'd get really upset. Tim also loves Gabriel. At first, Gabe wasn't quite sure what to think of TIm - he was a little overwhelming. Now, however, Gabe LOVES Tim's silliness, and will giggle at him like no-one else.

Gabriel is getting close to being mobile. The other day he finally started to dig in with his toes and try to push himself forward. Unfortunately, the friction of his shirt on the carpet (with his chubby belly) slows him down, and he gets frustrated.

Gabriel is also starting to say words. He says 'bye bye' 'bye bye dad' 'hi' 'hi dad'. Notice a pattern? He sure loves his Daddy, and smiles huge whenever he sees dad, especially first thing in the morning & after school.


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